Conceived the 20th March 2009

Your 1st trimester: March 09, 2009 to June 07, 2009. (0 - 12 weeks)
Your 2nd trimester: June 08, 2009 to September 20, 2009. (13 - 27 weeks)
Your 3rd trimester: September 21, 2009 to December 14, 2009. (28 - 40 weeks)

Watch the puzzle grow...

How`s my pregnancy doing?

Wednesday 23 December 2009

The Birth of Finn...40 weeks and 3 days

On the Sat before Finn arrived, I had another show, this was more significant than the others and I went in to the hospital on the Sunday to be checked out. They checked me over and said nothing was happening and I should be back on the Monday for my second sweep. On the Monday I went for my second sweep and this one was more intense and hectic than the first. The doctor said there had been no progress from the week 39 week scan and I was still only 2/5's engaged and 2cm dialated. My cervix was of a medium softness and she told me she wanted to see me at 41 weeks to discuss other options because it did not look like Finn was ready for the world.
Anyway, I went home and had my usual tummy ache and a bit of spotting but nothing to severe.
On the Tuesday night however, I started passing having more of a show. This time it was far more than light spotting and was like mucus fluid. I went to bed and at about 10 started having contractions. They were intense but manageable and I decided to just time them and see what happens. I went to the toilet all night and passed more and more of this fluid and continued to have contractions. They were sporadic some 6 min apart, some 14 min apart. There was no obvious pattern. At 4am I decided to have a cup of tea and a bath and they dissappeared. I went to sleep at 5 and slept until 9. When I woke up I call the hospital and they told me to only come back if my contractions got regular or if my waters went. I continued to pass this stuff all day long and that night decided to sleep in Josh's room to give Errol some sleep.
I had contractions ALL NIGHT and they were worse than the night before. I decided not to time them because I really just wanted to get sleep in between rather than watch a clock all night like I had done the night before.
By 6am I went to find Errol because it was now really painful and I was in tears. I was convinced something was wrong because of the amount of fluids coming out of me.
I called the hospital and they told me to come in. I was still having contractions but we were still not timing them.
We got to the hospital at 7am and they put me on a monitor and we waited for the doctor to come and check me out. He was coming in at 9am.
The monitor was showing Finn's heart beat but not my contractions so Errol finally started timing them. At this stage they were 6 min apart. The midwife came in and was concerned about the peaks and lows in Finn's heart beat and I told her it was when I was having contractions and she then realised that the monitor was not monitoring my contractions. Once she sorted that out we were able to watch everything happening on the monitor.
The doctor came and gave me an internal examination, he realised that it was my back waters that had been leaking for the passed 2 days and they told me they could only allow this to happen for 48 hours or else the risk of infection is high. I was still only 2.5cm dialated and 3/5's engaged so he wanted me to get induced to speed things up.
They wanted me started on the Oxytocin for 4 hours and then if Finn was not out naturally they were going to review things at 13h30 and decide whether to do a c section again.
If they were to give me the Oxytocin they needed a midwife to be dedicated to me and to be able to sit with my 24/7 because of my scar from the c sec and fear of scar rupture because they cannot tell how heavy the oxytocin will affect me.
Just my luck the hospital was extremely busy and my midwives kept been called to emergencies in other rooms. I was quite happy because I was having regular contractions and I was hoping that by the time they next looked at me I would have done half the work myself.
Anyway, by about 11h30 they still had not given me the oxytocin and I was on my 3rd midwife Elsie. She was a staunch elderly midwife who looked like she was not going to do anything that she did not want to do.
She took ages to get herself ready and prepared for her day with me. She examined me again and told me she was going to break my front waters to avoid it bulging and causing problems.
This procedure is not pleasant but is manageable again. I also thought this might speed things up a bit. I was now having 3 contractions in 10 min and they were very intense.
I told Elsie that I wanted to have another internal exam before she started the drugs and I want to see how far I am and if I can do the labour without pain relief.
She said she would but recommended that I have an epidural. Purely because I managed to go to 9.5cm's with Josh and without drugs and then had to have a c sec because he was in distress. What she wanted was for me to not be distressed and to have my natural birth that I so badly wanted. Also, she could not say how fast things would happen on the oxytocin and how intense things were going to me.
She also mentioned how busy they were and that by 16h00 I would not be able to get an anesthetist to see me. With all this weighing in my mind, I decided to go for the epidural.
Oh and I was still only 2.5cm dialated and 3/5's engaged so figured I was doing a lot of hard work and not getting anywhere on my own.
So at 13h30 I had the epidural and they started the oxytocin at about 14h00. The epidural was not working as well as I had hoped and I was also sucking on gas and ear at this stage to manage my contractions which were now on top of each other. At 15h00 the anesthetist came back to top me up because though the contractions were shorter and and slightly less intense I was still feeling them.
The next hour passed with me working hard breathing through my contractions but they were becoming more and more intense. I was not feeling them all over and only in one place on my left side of my groin. The midwife called the anesthetist back and he decided to pull the epidural out slightly to try and disperse it more as it was clearly only working on the one side. He was also concerned that the pain I was feeling was actually my scar ruptering from the inside!
Well at 16h15 he left and said he would come back at 16h30 to do the epidural again as I might be one of the 1 in 20 people where the epidural does not work.
He left and the midwife checked the monitor and to her horror Finn's heart beat had dropped to 78. It was usually around 145. She got extremely alarmed and told us ( which I did not appreciate as she got me in a right state)
Finn's heart beat was not recovering, the pain was intense and Errol had decided to go for his first walk of the day....
She ran off to fetch the doctor.
He came in and checked me over immediately and told me to look at him and said the words I will never forget:
"Look at me, you are NOT having a caesarean, you are fully dialated and your baby is ready to come out now!"
I was so relieved and happy and everything. Errol was there again and I was about to push Finn out.
He said that Finn was a little shocked as to how fast things were happening and thats why he was in distress. He told me he wanted to act fast and get him out so asked permission to do a episiotomy and use forcepts.
Welll, at 16h25 Finn was born. It was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced in my entire life. Just writing these words now has brought me to tears. My wonderful husband who was there at my side whom I could not have done it without. His face looking at me and his eyes telling me to just keep looking at him the whole time. The hand that I squeezed so tight! I never thought I could love my Errol more, but at that moment in time, I did, I loved him more than anything on earth. Our beautiful Finn was hear and healthy and crying beautifully.
So that is how Finn arrived. Fast and furiously... The doctor said that he actually did not need to use the forcepts and do the episiotomy in the end as I would have done it on my own fine but they did it out of precaution rather because of Finn's heartrate.

So now I have two BEAUTIFUL Son's and my life is complete. Both births were completely different but I will take natural birth over a caesarean anyday. Sure there is a bit of discomfort for a few days but nothing like the pain I experienced and the first few days of being drugged up on morphine with Josh.

Now it is time to enjoy the fruits of my labour!

Wednesday 9 December 2009

39.3 Weeks & Counting

39.3 Weeks & Counting

How far along? 39.3 weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss? Up maybe 10kgs, only measuring 36 weeks
Maternity Clothes? Yes, the same things all week!
Stretch Marks? No
Sleep? Ok considering, excitement has set it
Best moment this week? The sheer anticipation of it all…
Movement? Things have quietened down in there big time.
Food Cravings? Chocolate!
Labour Signs? A few, but nothing to get excited about.
Belly Button in or out? Out and facing down.
What I miss? The sun!
What I am looking forward to? His arrival…
Weekly Wisdom: make sure you have things to do to occupy your time in these last days.
Milestones? Well I am nearly full term! 40 weeks pregnant is near…

Wednesday 25 November 2009

How far along? 37.4
Total weight gain/loss: who knows!
Maternity clothes? YES
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Not really
Best moment this week: Josh on the mend
Movement: All the time
Food cravings: Salad
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Had a slight scare, thought I was leaking amniotic fluid and went in to hospital for 2 hours of monitoring over the weekend. All good though and he is not ready to enter this world just yet. He is also the back to back at the moment and we really want him to turn before the day!
Belly Button in or out? Out and looking down.
What I miss: Sleep
What I am looking forward to: The arrival of our new little baby!
Weekly Wisdom: Life is too short. Forget about all your worries and just enjoy!
Milestones: 37 weeks – baby is now fully formed and ready to be a little boy. Time is near! Any day now…

Sunday 15 November 2009

Saturday 14 November 2009

35,5 weeks

How far along? 35 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 10kgs
Maternity clothes? Today I am in a size 16 normal jeans! Feeling GOOD!
Stretch marks? I thought I saw some the other day, but I must have imagined them.
Sleep: So so.
Best moment this week: Its Sweetpea’s Baby Shower today. YAY!
Movement: Oh yes!
Food cravings: Champagne!
Gender: Well we all know it’s a little boy.
Labor Signs: A few pangs and pains in the groin area, I think he has turned. Will find out on Thurs!
Belly Button in or out? Almost out!
What I miss: Being able to lie on my back and tummy!
What I am looking forward to: The next few weeks flying by and being home ready and waiting.
Weekly Wisdom: Just take it as it comes…don’t worry too much, it will all fall in to place the way its supposed to.
Milestones: 4 weeks to due date! Last stretch is here.

Sunday 1 November 2009

34 weeks

How far along? 34 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 10kgs
Maternity clothes? No more jeans please, way too constricting.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Yes, well at the moment.
Best moment this week: Starting to get ready for Sweetpea’s arrival. I think its time…
Movement: LOTS
Food cravings: Hot Chocolate
Gender: Well we all know it’s a little boy.
Labor Signs: Tightening in the groin area now and hopefully he is going to turn soon and get ready to start knocking!
Belly Button in or out? Almost out!
What I miss: Sunshine
What I am looking forward to: The next few weeks flying by and being home ready and waiting.
Weekly Wisdom: Relax and remember we are born to do this!
Milestones: the last stretch year, 4 to 6 weeks to go! Whoop whoop!

Thursday 22 October 2009

32 Weeks

Life is good at the moment. Mom Cheryl is here and is amazing. I have FINALLY relaxed and started to enjoy this pregnancy. Errol and Josh are both been taken care of and I can concentrate on Sweetpea's arrival.
I had a midwife appointment and saw my favourite mid wife this morning. All is good with Baby. I am the right measurements and little sweetpea was bouncing around like crazy. Gave one swift kick when Jade said good morning to him. He is also just as active as Josh was and the kicking and moving around does not stop. Sometimes I think he must be bored in there lying at the bottom of my womb kicking his legs up against my belly! I kinda know I am going to have my hands full in a couple of months time!
Had a long chat with Jade about my previous birthing experience and my upcoming decision to go VBAC with Sweetpea. She is very impressed with my attitude and knows just as well as I do that I can do it! From 36 weeks she said I need to start finding out which way sweetpea is lying so that if he is in the wrong position, I can start doing things to change it. ( Josh was back to my back and thats why they think we ran into trouble ) If sweetpea is also back to back then I need to start going on all fours to try and get him to roll around!
Had a couple of wierd things happen this week. On Monday I went bright red in the face for a couple of hours. It was like a long lasting hot flush. Totally unexplainable and really quite funny for all who witnessed! Then on Tuesday night I was just sick for no reason! Spent some time with my old friend the toilet and then was fine the next day! Oh the joys of pregnancy hey!!! Its never the same and always something there that you cannot explain.
As you know I am planning on doing hypnobirthing again and decided to get some more literature on natural birthing. I have bought the book "Childbirth Without Fear" which I am busy reading at the moment. In theory it all makes sense and I know that I can have the most beautiful painfree birth as long as I remain calm and relaxed. So at the moment, thats where I am at!
I cannot believe that there are only a 8 weeks left to EDD! Bring it on baby!!!! As you can see I am actually getting really excited and thats where I want to be!

Wednesday 7 October 2009

30 Weeks

How far along? 30 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 7kgs
Maternity clothes? How could I live without them?
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Not at the moment
Best moment this week: A silver lining appearing on the grey clouds that have been surrounding us!
Movement: LOTS
Food cravings: Droewors
Gender: Well we all know it’s a little boy.
Labor Signs: Slightscare 2 weeks ago, lifted Josh and pulled a stomach muscle, went into SERIOUS cramps and had to make a trip to A&E. Passed after a couple of hours, but got a nice reminder of what labour is going to feel like.
Belly Button in or out? Still in, but definitely stretching.
What I miss: RED WINE!
What I am looking forward to: Seeing Errol out of pain after surgery.
Weekly Wisdom: Practise your breathing!
Milestones: reaching the final 30’s! 10 more weeks to go, but we think he is going to make an early appearance like Josh.

Sunday 13 September 2009

week 27

How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: WHO CARES???
Maternity clothes? Oh yes!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Yes, getting there.
Best moment this week: Getting excited about the prospect of a granny coming to visit!
Movement: LOTS
Food cravings: Chocolate Nesquick
Gender: Well we all know it’s a little boy.
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? Still in, but definitely stretching.
What I miss: RED WINE!
What I am looking forward to: Seeing Josh and Finn play together.
Weekly Wisdom: Keep yourself moisturized. Helps with that stretching skin.
Milestones: Realising the 3rd trimester is around the corner…

The pics explained...pic one me explaining to Josh that there is a baba in there.
Pic two - how I normally look these day
Pic three - me pulling in my tummy as far as I can but the watermelon just won't go anywhere!!!

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Week 23

How far along? 23 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: up 4kg’s
Maternity clothes? Yes, started last week. Makes me feel so much better!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: What is sleep? I cannot remember when last I had a decent night sleep!
Best moment this week: Friends telling me I am looking small when I feel so big!
Movement: LOTS
Food cravings: Anything and EVERYTHING
Gender: Well we all know it’s a little boy.
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? Still in
What I miss: Sleep
What I am looking forward to: Next year.
Weekly Wisdom: sleep wherever and whenever possible
Milestones: Getting the maternity clothes down and wearing them

Monday 3 August 2009

21 Week Scan

So I went for my 21 week scan today. Sweetpea Randall is doing well. Our little boy was all over the show but we got all the measurements. Everything is healthy and he weighs 480g's! Just think another 19 weeks to go and so many more pounds to pile on!
I compared him to Josh and he is a little smaller at the moment but I am sure will catch up to his brother in no time.

Monday 27 July 2009

20 Weeks - 27th July 2009

I have been very bad at updating the blog. I think after last months rollercoaster ride, I needed a break from it all.
Things are progressing beautifully. I can now feel my little boy kicking away inside me. I must tell you, I love the feeling. To know he is in there and letting me know every hour of the day is just to precious!
My bump is getting bigger and bigger and I am going to have to start thinking about getting my maternity clothes down from the attic. I am still managing to fit into my normal jeans but its only a matter of time. In the morning I am small and after a day of munching, I am as round as a melon! As for my breasts...well they have become melons too. I have got some nice comfy maternity bra's which have definitely become my best friends.
Been very very naughty in the food department and this little baba ( or me ) has definitely developed a sweet tooth. The need for daily dessert is irresistable!
Otherwise its all good. I am feeling good. Tired on some days but thats normal and also depends on how much Josh lets me sleep at night.
I have also started to read my Hypnobirthing book again, just to get me back in the swing of things and to start the ball rolling with my birthing prep!
On Monday we are going for another scan and will have another pic of BabyRandall2 for the blog so watch this space. Will put a pic of the bump on too.

Thursday 2 July 2009

The Rollercoaster Ride....16.4 weeks

So, I have been off the blog for the last few weeks because I had some hectic things going on and wasn't sure I could pretend nothing was wrong...

I went for my 12 week scan on the 8th of June and found out I was 13 weeks...well a week after the scan I got a letter in the post telling me that I was in a high risk category for down syndrome. The letter was accompanied with a leaflet that explained the worse case scenario and I was totally and utterly devastated!

I had a consultion at the hospital on the 11th of June to explain my results and tell me what my options were. I was too late for CVS and would need to wait until I was 16 weeks for an amnio! Both of which carry a risk of miscarriage!

To say I freaked out a bit is an understatement. No matter how positive and upbeat I tried to remain, I was scared shitless and worried sick.

I went for a second opinion at Harley Street and saw the UK's no 1 Specialist but there was nothing they could do. I was too far gone to change my risk category. They can only do the Nuchal Screening between 11 and 13 weeks and I was already 15.2 weeks pregnant. I saw my baby again and all looked well. The Specialist said I could either have the amnio or wait until I was 20 weeks to do another risk category!

I had to know if everything was okay with the baby and there was no way I could wait another 4 weeks! So I opted for the amnio.

I went for the amnio on Monday. The procedure involves them stabbing you with a needle and drawing amniotic fluid from the placenta. The amniotic fluid contains the baby's dna and they send that away for chromosome testing and test for DS and 2 other diseases. When they stuck the needle in, it took my breath away. Our little baby was so interested in it, he kept moving over to investigate! This of course was not good and they had to take a bit longer to wait for the baby to move away. They got a clear sample and the baby's heart was beating afterwards which was naturally a good sign!

We decided that we wanted to find out the sex of the baby at this time. It had been such a heavy, emotional few weeks that we really just wanted some happy news. Let me tell you, our little sweetpea was not shy to reveal his identity! Yes folks, clear as daylight sweetpea flashed his bits and it took no expert to see that we have another little boy on the way.

08h30 this morning I rang the hospital and got told Sweetpea is NORMAL!

I could not speak to the lady, I just said thank you and hang up and then burst out crying. I think the rollercoaster I have been on for the last few weeks finally took its toll. I cried for quite a bit this morning. Tears of relief and joy!

So thats where we are now! Today we shared the news with the world that we have a BEAUTIFUL, HEALTHY, NORMAL BABY BOY on the way and we are ecstatic! Now I can finally relax and start to enjoy this pregnancy. Not to mention get Josh ready for his brother's arrival.

Wednesday 17 June 2009

14 Weeks

How far along? 14 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 200g
Maternity clothes? Not yet, but jeans are getting tighter
Stretch marks? No
Sleep? okay
Best moment this week: Been a funny week
Movement: every now and then I think I can feel the heartbeat if I put my hand on my tummy
Food cravings: I can only manage small portions of meat
Gender: I think it’s a girl, but who knows.
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? Still in
What I miss: My husband who is away on a course.
What I am looking forward to: Getting my results of some more tests.
Weekly Wisdom: Whatever is meant to be, will be.
Milestones: Nothing really at the mo

Monday 8 June 2009

13 Weeks Scan

I had my scan today and found out I am more pregnant than previously thought!
We thought I was 12 weeks pregnant but I am actually 13 weeks so baby is now due on the 14th of December 2009!

Saturday 6 June 2009

12 Weeks

How far along? 11 weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss? Up 200g
Maternity Clothes? Nope
Stretch Marks? No
Sleep? broken
Best moment this week? Laughing because Josh threw a tantrum at daycare and it was apparently quite the tantrum, all because the doorbell rang and it was NOT mommy!
Movement? None
Food Cravings?
Gender? Maybe a girl
Labour Signs? no
Belly Button in or out? in
What I miss? Not really missing anything at the mo.
What I am looking forward to? My 12 week scan on Monday.
Weekly Wisdom: Sleep at EVERY opportunity.
Milestones? Realising I am going to need a maternity bra soon!

Saturday 30 May 2009

11 Weeks

How far along? 10 weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss? still down 3kg’s
Maternity Clothes? Nope
Stretch Marks? No
Sleep? Fine
Best moment this week? my mom arriving from South Africa
Movement? None
Food Cravings? Off cheese for the first time in my life!
Gender? Maybe a girl
Labour Signs? no
Belly Button in or out? in
What I miss? Not really missing anything at the mo.
What I am looking forward to? My 12 week scan!
Weekly Wisdom: Don’t ever eat for “two”
Milestones? No morning sickness this week.

Friday 22 May 2009

9 Weeks

I have been looking at other people's blogs to get some inspiratation for Sweet Pea Randall and I came across a weekly tracker which I think will be quite cool to update throughout the pregnancy! So here goes, we start in week 9:

How far along? 9 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: down 3kg’s
Maternity clothes? Nope
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: disturbed - Josh is cutting some teeth.
Best moment this week: letting the cat out the bag and telling everyone we are expecting again.
Movement: None
Food cravings: Fruit, sinking in to some serious fruit salad now!
Gender: No clue. & I have no inclination, either.
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? Still in
What I miss: having a glass of red in the evenings
What I am looking forward to: Granny arriving
Weekly Wisdom: Stop worrying and start enjoying!
Milestones: Thinking I could stop morning sickness by eating breakfast, that did not work!

Friday 15 May 2009

The Wait...

About 4 weeks ago I had some spotting and really bad cramps. I was really worried as I did not experience that with Josh. Naturally I was thinking the worst and went to the doc first opportunity I got. I was booked in for an early scan and naturally it was too early to tell if the pregnancy was going to be "viable". They found a pool of blood in my uterus which could have been causing the issues but were unable to tell me more. I was told to come back in 3 weeks time. And that is when the wait began! Never in my life have I felt more anxious and worried. It's the strangest thing, no matter how hard you tell your self not to worry, there is nothing you can do and you just get consumed with it.
I thought I might as well do a digital pregnancy test every week to make sure my HCG levels were on target! That works to a certain degree but after 6 weeks the test cannot tell you anymore. 4 tests later and a bit of a waste of money I had a result that would say 3+ ( which is 5 weeks pregnant ) and it would not go up any further!

Anyway the day of the scan finally arrived at it was on Wednesday.
The sonographer was lovely and could tell I was anxious and she gave me the news immediatley. ALL WAS GOOD! Sweatpea Randall had a healthy heartbeat that was beating away. I got to see my precious little pea and was overwhelmed with emotion and burst out crying. All that worry for nothing. I have never felt so relieved ever. Finally I can start to relax and enjoy the fact that we are expecting another precious little bundle and I am ecstatic!

I am having another scan on the 8th of June and this time we will be able to date Sweetpea. Currently I am 9 weeks pregnant. Granny Jeanette is arriving at the end of the month and I am planning on taking her with to see her new grandchild. Watch this space for the Sweetpea's first phote debut!

I have had morning sickness this week which I am not used to and was actually hugging the toilet bowl this morning! Lets hope its not to often and does not last too long. Not sure how some mummies deal with it for so many months! Hopefully I am one of the lucky ones!

Tuesday 21 April 2009

Boy Or Girl - What do you think?

According to this chart, I am having another boy! It was right with Josh but we are going to keep you all in suspense until December.
The top row is the age of mother and the side row the month in which you conceived. See how accurate it is and leave me a message!
This chart says it is another boy!

How we found out...

It was Easter Sunday and I went to Ing and Lee for lunch. We had opened a bottle of wine and were merrily discussing having a party that night and I said I did not want to participate as I might be pregnant...I had woken up in the middle of the night thinking about being pregnant and calculating when I was due to get my monthly's! Lee said there was only one way to find out and that was to do a test. I had not planned on doing a test that day but as it was on mind we decided what the hell...
I did the test and within a minute it said I was pregnant and had conceived about 1 to 2 weeks prior! Lee was walking down to the bathroom and just said "and?"...and I said "it says I'm pregnant!" I honestly did not think it would say that! I had a million things go through my mind and then I needed to sit down! I think we were all a bit gobsmacked but once the news had settled in we were all very excited and happy. I rang Errol and he came over almost immediately to see the test for himself! And to give me a big hug and a kiss!
We decided to start trying in Feb and were quite surprised it happened so quickly again! We wanted the kids to have a nice age gap and 22 months is just perfect!